
All website files are stored on a remote computer server, which is referred to as a host. Every website you ever surfed is hosted on a server. It is easy to see why you want to use a reputable web hosting company. You pay a separate fee for web hosting every month. The domain name of your website and the design are other costs.

Down time refers to moments when your website is inaccessible to online visitors. These times can last for a few seconds or several hours. Choosing a reliable web hosting company means little or no down time. When you site is down, people cannot get information or make purchases. Every minute your site down could mean losing another potential customer. It can also make your business appear unreliable and have a negative impact on your reputation. When you choose a web host, keep in mind the amount of traffic you expect. A larger site needs a host that can handle significant traffic at one time without overloading the system.